Professional Services Network

The Professional Service Network is an opportunity for industry leaders, entrepreneurs and corporate volunteers to share their expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs and startups seeking to establish or expand a business. Areas of expertise include marketing and branding, sales, accounting, finance, human resources, e-commerce, technology, operations, management, business development and much more. Volunteers donate their time through a free 25-minute consultation as part of our Ask an Expert program and receive a summary of their hours at the end of the year as a donation to TechTown, which is a nonprofit organization.

Complete the form below and become a vital member of the Detroit ecosystem by enriching aspiring and existing entrepreneurs in the Detroit community.

Ways to Participate in the Professional Service Network (PSN):

Ask an Expert: Provide 25-minute consultations with entrepreneurs virtually or at TechTown. We request PSN members offer a minimum of three hours per month, which can be distributed according to the expert’s preference.

Workshops and Speaking Engagements: Be invited by TechTown to conduct one-time or multi-session presentations, participate in panel discussions, and lead fireside chats on topics related to your area of expertise.

Technical Assistance:  Members of the Professional Services Network will engage directly with TechTown clients and alumni businesses at the request of the TechTown team and strategists to offer specialized services. Services may include legal assistance (such as entity formation and contract drafting), accounting (including tax preparation and chart of accounts preparation), marketing (such as brand identity packages, social media templates, website development, and public relations plans), and architecture and design services.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our PSN, fill out the form below.

Professional Service Network Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Professional Services Network (PSN)?

A: The Professional Services Network is an opportunity for industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and corporate volunteers to share their skills with aspiring entrepreneurs and startups.   

Q: What opportunities are available to PSN members?

A: PSN members volunteer for the Ask an Expert program by supplying free 25-minute consultations to aspiring or existing entrepreneurs. Additionally, PSN members are eligible to be workshop instructors, speakers, or technical assistance providers.  

Q: Where are Ask an Expert Sessions held?

A: Currently, sessions are held online using Zoom.  

Q: Is there a required number of Ask an Expert appointments that a PSN member must provide?

A: Yes, we ask that volunteers offer at least three hours per month, however, experts are highly encouraged to offer more availability when possible. Please note: Just because three hours are offered on your calendar does not mean all those hours will be booked by clients.  


Q: What is the PSN application and intake process?

A: Entrepreneurs or professionals must complete the interest form, which is here. The application process includes a 45-minute interview with a member of the TechTown team, a professional reference check, completion of an intake form (hours of availability, headshot, and bio), and an onboarding training (one hour block). 

Q: What questions are asked on the interest form and during the interview?

A: The form requests your industry, how you want to be involved with PSN, why you want to work with Detroit area entrepreneurs, and how you want to be involved with TechTown programs. The interview is an opportunity for the applicant to discuss their professional background, experience working with BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) entrepreneurs and micros-entrepreneurs. 

Q: What happens after I complete the PSN interest form?

A: After the PSN interest form is completed it will be reviewed by a TechTown team member. You will be emailed and informed if new applications are being accepted. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. 

Q: How long does the PSN application process take?

A: The length of time it takes to complete the PSN application process will depend on several factors, such as how quickly references can be checked and how quickly the intake form can be completed.

Q: How often are new applications reviewed?

A: Typically, new applications are reviewed twice a year.  

Q: What is the PSN application approval process?

A: Directors of TechTown Programs review and approve the applicant’s interview. Interviews are evaluated based on the applicant’s qualifications, experience, and whether they are a good fit for the network.

Q: What happens after I am approved?

A: When your application is approved, you are eligible to volunteer for the Ask an Expert program. Once you decide to serve, you will be onboarded for the program. You’re required to complete an intake form and attend a training session. PSN members are eligible for opportunities with us as an event speaker, workshop trainer, or a technical assistance provider.  

Q: Can I reapply if my application is not accepted?

A: Yes, however, approvals are based on the need for an applicant’s experience and knowledge in specific industries. A TechTown team member will inform you about the status of your application.  

Send PSN related questions to: